MADNESS  version 0.9
Files | Classes
Preliminary support for interior boundary conditions
Collaboration diagram for Preliminary support for interior boundary conditions:


file  sdf_domainmask.h
 Defines abstract interfaces and concrete classes signed distance functions and domain masks.
file  sdf_shape_2D.h
 Implements the SignedDFInterface for common 2-D geometric objects.This file provides signed distance functions for common 2-D geometric objects:
file  sdf_shape_3D.h
 Implements the SignedDFInterface for common 3-D geometric objects.This file provides signed distance functions for common 3-D geometric objects:


class  madness::SignedDFInterface< NDIM >
 The interface for a signed distance function (sdf). More...
class  madness::DomainMaskInterface
 The interface for masking functions defined by signed distance functions. More...
class  madness::DomainMaskSDFFunctor< NDIM >
 Framework for combining a signed distance function (sdf) with a domain mask to produce MADNESS functions. More...
class  madness::LLRVDomainMask
 Provides the Li-Lowengrub-Ratz-Voight (LLRV) domain mask characteristic functions. More...

Detailed Description