MADNESS  version 0.9
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 3dharmonic.ccSolves for the ground state of the quantum 3d harmonic oscillator
 aligned.hProvides routines for internal use optimized for aligned data
 archive.hInterface templates for the archives (serialization)
 atom.hProvides basis set information for computing the molecular density
 basetensor.ccImplements BaseTensor
 basetensor.hDeclares BaseTensor
 basisfunction.hProvides code to project Gaussian basis functions from independent quantum chemistry packages into MADNESS
 binaryop.ccIllustrates general composition of two functions
 binfsar.hImplements archive wrapping a binary filestream
 bufar.hImplements an archive wrapping a memory buffer
 cblas.hDefine BLAS like functions
 checksum_file.ccMiscellaneous useful stuffx
 clapack.hC++ prototypes for Fortran LAPACK with associated typedefs and macos
 constants.hDefines common mathematical and physical constants
 convolution1d.hCompuates most matrix elements over 1D operators (including Gaussians)
 dataloadbal.ccIllustrates how to use static data/load balancing of functions
 derivative.hDeclaration and initialization of tree traversal functions and generic derivative
 dielectric.ccExample solution of Poisson's equation in a dielectric (polarizable) medium
 dqueue.hImplements DQueue
 embedded_dirichlet.ccProvides test problems for examining the convergence of embedded (Dirichlet) boundary conditions
 example_doc.ccIllustrates how to group documentation between files
 example_doc.hRefer to this file to understand how to document source
 fortran_ctypes.hCorresponding C and Fortran types
 funcdefaults.hProvides FunctionDefaults and utilities for coordinate transformation
 funcimpl.hProvides FunctionCommonData, FunctionImpl and FunctionFactory
 funcplot.hDefines/implements plotting interface for functions
 functionio.ccExample of I/O with functions
 functypedefs.hProvides typedefs to hide use of templates and to increase interoperability
 gentensor.hProvides a tensor with taking advantage of possibly low rank
 gfit.hFit isotropic functions to a set of Gaussians with controlled precision
 gmres.hDefines a general operator interface and a templated GMRES solver for solving linear equations
 h2.ccSolves the Hartree-Fock equations for the hydrogen molecule
 hatom_1d.ccSolves the Schrodinger equation for the 1-d hydrogen atomThe Hartree-Fock wave function is computed for the hydrogen atom in one dimension without using symmetry
 apps/ii/hatom_energy.ccCompute the energy of the hydrogen atom ground state
 examples/hatom_energy.ccCompute the energy of the hydrogen atom ground state
 he.ccSolves the Hartree-Fock equations for the helium atom
 heat.ccExample Green function for the 3D heat equation
 heat2.ccExample Green function for the 3D heat equation with a linear term
 helium_exact.ccSolves the two-particle system exactly
 helium_mp2.ccSolves the Hartree-Fock and MP2 equations for the helium atom
 apps/ii/hello.ccSimplest example program for MADNESS
 examples/hello.ccSimplest example program for MADNESS
 indexit.hProvides IndexIterator
 interpolation_1d.hProvides 1D cubic interpolation class
 key.hMultidimension Key for MRA tree and associated iterators
 lapack.ccPartial interface from Tensor to LAPACK
 lbdeux.hImplements (2nd generation) static load/data balancing for functions
 legendre.ccLegendre quadrature, polynomials and scaling functions
 meminfo.ccMemory stats per rank, usually platform specific calls. Invoke with rank and tag
 mentity.ccSimple management of molecular information and potential
 misc.hHeader to declare stuff which has not yet found a home
 molsys.hMolecular system
 mp2.hSolves molecular MP2 equations
 mra.hMain include file for MADNESS and defines Function interface
 mraimpl.hDeclaration and initialization of static data, some implementation, some instantiation
 mraplot.ccFunction plotting utility
 muParser.cppImplementation of the standard floating point parser
 muParser.hDefinition of the standard floating point parser
 muParserBase.cppThis file contains the basic implementation of the muparser engine
 muParserBase.hThis file contains the class definition of the muparser engine
 muParserBytecode.cppImplementation of the parser bytecode class
 muParserBytecode.hDefinition of the parser bytecode class
 muParserCallback.cppImplementation of the parser callback class
 muParserCallback.hDefinition of the parser callback class
 muParserComplex.hThis file contains a definition of a parser using complex numbers
 muParserDef.hThis file contains standard definitions used by the parser
 muParserDLL.hThis file contains the DLL interface of muparser
 muParserError.hThis file defines the error class used by the parser
 muParserFixes.hThis file contains compatibility fixes for some platforms
 muParserInt.hDefinition of a parser using integer value
 muParserStack.hThis file defines the stack used by muparser
 muParserTest.hThis file contains the parser test class
 muParserToken.hThis file contains the parser token definition
 muParserTokenReader.cppThis file contains the parser token reader implementation
 muParserTokenReader.hThis file contains the parser token reader definition
 mxm.hInternal use only
 nanophoto.ccCode for the nanophotonics example in the article M.G. Reuter et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 183, pp. 1-7 (2012)
 navstokes_cosines.ccExample Solving the Navier-Stokes equations
 examples/nemo.ccSolve the HF equations using numerical exponential MOs
 nodefaults.hImplements NO_DEFAULTS
 nonlinschro.ccSolves 1D nonlinear Schrödinger equation
 nonlinsol.hExample implementation of Krylov-subspace nonlinear equation solver
 oep.ccOptimized effective potentials for DFT
 oldtest.ccTest code for Tensor, TensorIterator, SliceTensor, etc
 operator.hImplements most functionality of separated operators
 parar.hImplements ParallelInputArchive and ParallelOutputArchive
 phandler.hInterface for the muParser library for turning user-defined functions into bytecode
 posixmem.hImplement dummy posix_memalign if it is missing on the system
 print.hDefines simple templates for printing to std::cout "a la Python"
 print_seq.hImplements print_seq ... included by world.h
 qmprop.ccImplements BandlimitedPropagator and qm_free_particle_propagator
 qmprop.hPrototypes for qm propagator
 response.hCoupled-Purturbed HF/KS
 safempi.hSerializes calls to MPI in case it does not support THREAD_MULTIPLE
 scfparam.hParameters of the SCF calculation
 sdf_domainmask.hDefines abstract interfaces and concrete classes signed distance functions and domain masks
 sdf_shape_2D.hImplements the SignedDFInterface for common 2-D geometric objects.This file provides signed distance functions for common 2-D geometric objects:
 sdf_shape_3D.hImplements the SignedDFInterface for common 3-D geometric objects.This file provides signed distance functions for common 3-D geometric objects:
 sdf_shape_tester.ccDemonstrates/tests use of 3D shape functions
 sininteg.ccCompute the integral sin(x) x=0..10
 slice.hDeclares and implements Slice
 solvers.hDefines interfaces for optimization and non-linear equation solvers
 spectralprop.hSpectral propagator in time using semigroup approach
 srconf.hHandles the low-level details of a separated representation tensor
 tdhf.ccCompute the time-dependent HF equations (currently CIS approximation)
 apps/tdse/tdse.ccEvolves the hydrogen atom in imaginary and also real time
 examples/tdse.ccEvolves the hydrogen atom in imaginary and also real time
 tdse.confused.ccEvolves the hydrogen atom in imaginary and also real time
 tdse1.ccEvolves the 1D hydrogen atom in imaginary and also real time
 tdse1d.ccExample propagation of TDSE (translating atom) using various propagators
 tdse4.ccEvolves the hydrogen molecular ion in 4D ... 3 electron + 1 nuclear degree of freedom
 tensor.ccCompletes the implementation of Tensor and instantiates all specializations for fast compiles
 tensor.hDefines and implements most of Tensor
 tensor_lapack.hPrototypes for a partial interface from Tensor to LAPACK
 tensor_macros.hMacros for easy and efficient iteration over tensors
 tensorexcept.hDeclares and implements TensorException
 tensoriter.ccImplements TensorIterator
 tensoriter.hDeclares TensorIterator
 tensortrain.hDefines and implements the tensor train decomposition as described in I.V. Oseledets, Siam J. Sci. Comput. 33, 2295 (2011)
 textfsar.hImplements archive wrapping text file stream
 twoscale.ccRoutines to provide twoscale & correlation coeffs for Legendre basis
 type_data.hDefines and implements TensorTypeData, a type traits class
 typestuff.hGrossly simplified Boost-like type traits and templates
 vecar.hImplements archive wrapping an STL vector
 vector_factory.hDeclares and implements factories for short vectors
 vmra.hDefines operations on vectors of FunctionsThis file defines a number of operations on vectors of functions. Assume v is a vector of NDIM-D functions of a certain type
 vnucso.ccSolves the spin-orbit nuclear potential problem
 world.hThis header should include pretty much everything needed for the parallel runtime
 worldam.hImplements active message layer for World on top of RMI layer
 worlddc.hImplements WorldContainer
 worlddep.hDefines DependencyInterface and CallbackInterface
 worldexc.hImplements MadnessException
 worldfut.hImplements Future
 worldfwd.hImplements World
 worldgop.hImplements global operations
 worldhash.hDefines hash functions for use in distributed containers
 worldhashmap.hDefines and implements a concurrent hashmap
 worldmpi.hImplements WorldMpiInterface
 worldmutex.hImplements Mutex, MutexFair, Spinlock, ConditionVariable
 worldobj.hDefines and implements WorldObject
 worldrange.hImplement Range class for parallel iteration
 worldref.hImplements RemoteReference which is for internal use
 worldser.hIncludes archive headers, and also the archive names into madness namespace
 worldtask.hDefines TaskInterface and implements WorldTaskQueue and associated stuff
 worldthread.hImplements Dqueue, Thread, ThreadBase and ThreadPool
 worldtime.hWrappers around platform dependent timers and performance info