3dharmonic.cc | Solves for the ground state of the quantum 3d harmonic oscillator |
abinitdftsolventsolver.h | |
adquad.h | |
aligned.h | Provides routines for internal use optimized for aligned data |
archive.h | Interface templates for the archives (serialization) |
archive_type_names.cc | |
array.h | |
atom.h | Provides basis set information for computing the molecular density |
atomicint.h | |
chem/atomutil.cc | |
DFcode/atomutil.cc | |
jacob/atomutil.cc | |
tkato/atomutil.cc | |
chem/atomutil.h | |
DFcode/atomutil.h | |
jacob/atomutil.h | |
tkato/atomutil.h | |
avx2_cc.cc | |
avx2_cr.cc | |
avx2_rc.cc | |
avx2_rr.cc | |
avx_cc.cc | |
avx_cr.cc | |
avx_rc.cc | |
avx_rr.cc | |
basetensor.cc | Implements BaseTensor |
basetensor.h | Declares BaseTensor |
basisfunction.h | Provides code to project Gaussian basis functions from independent quantum chemistry packages into MADNESS |
bgp_cc.cc | |
bgp_cr.cc | |
bgp_rc.cc | |
bgp_rr.cc | |
bgq_atomics.h | |
bgq_mtxm.cc | |
binaryop.cc | Illustrates general composition of two functions |
binfsar.cc | |
binfsar.h | Implements archive wrapping a binary filestream |
binsorter.h | |
boost_checked_delete_bits.h | |
bufar.h | Implements an archive wrapping a memory buffer |
cblas.h | Define BLAS like functions |
cfft.cc | |
cfft.h | |
checksum_file.cc | Miscellaneous useful stuffx |
clapack.h | C++ prototypes for Fortran LAPACK with associated typedefs and macos |
colloid.cc | |
complex_fun.h | |
complexfun.h | |
config.h | |
constants.h | Defines common mathematical and physical constants |
convolution1d.h | Compuates most matrix elements over 1D operators (including Gaussians) |
chem/corepotential.cc | |
DFcode/corepotential.cc | |
jacob/corepotential.cc | |
tkato/corepotential.cc | |
chem/corepotential.h | |
DFcode/corepotential.h | |
jacob/corepotential.h | |
tkato/corepotential.h | |
correlationfactor.cc | |
correlationfactor.h | |
DFcode/fci/crayio.c | |
moldft/fci/crayio.c | |
csqrt.cc | |
dataloadbal.cc | Illustrates how to use static data/load balancing of functions |
debug.cc | |
deferred_cleanup.cc | |
deferred_cleanup.h | |
deferred_deleter.h | |
density.h | |
derivative.h | Declaration and initialization of tree traversal functions and generic derivative |
dft.cc | |
dft.h | |
dielectric.cc | Example solution of Poisson's equation in a dielectric (polarizable) medium |
dielectric_external_field.cc | |
displacements.h | |
dist_cache.h | |
dist_keys.h | |
chem/distpm.cc | |
DFcode/distpm.cc | |
distributed_matrix.h | |
dqueue.h | Implements DQueue |
dummy_main.c | |
eigen.h | |
eigen_solver.cc | |
eigsolver.cc | |
eigsolver.h | |
electronicstructureapp.h | |
electronicstructureparams.h | |
elem.cc | |
elem.h | |
embedded_dirichlet.cc | Provides test problems for examining the convergence of embedded (Dirichlet) boundary conditions |
enable_if.h | |
envelopedpulse.cc | |
envelopedpulse.h | |
esolver.h | |
ewald.cc | |
example_doc.cc | Illustrates how to group documentation between files |
example_doc.h | Refer to this file to understand how to document source |
extra.cc | |
extra.h | |
fortran_ctypes.h | Corresponding C and Fortran types |
fred.cc | |
frequencyhandler.cc | |
frequencyhandler.h | |
funcdefaults.h | Provides FunctionDefaults and utilities for coordinate transformation |
funcimpl.h | Provides FunctionCommonData, FunctionImpl and FunctionFactory |
funcplot.h | Defines/implements plotting interface for functions |
function_common_data.h | |
function_factory.h | |
function_interface.h | |
function_traits_bits.h | |
functionio.cc | Example of I/O with functions |
functypedefs.h | Provides typedefs to hide use of templates and to increase interoperability |
gentensor.h | Provides a tensor with taking advantage of possibly low rank |
gfit.cc | |
gfit.h | Fit isotropic functions to a set of Gaussians with controlled precision |
gmres.h | Defines a general operator interface and a templated GMRES solver for solving linear equations |
gprofexit.cc | |
group.cc | |
group.h | |
gtest-all.cc | |
src/gtest-all.cc | |
gtest-death-test-internal.h | |
gtest-death-test.cc | |
gtest-death-test.h | |
gtest-filepath.cc | |
gtest-filepath.h | |
gtest-internal-inl.h | |
gtest-internal.h | |
gtest-linked_ptr.h | |
gtest-message.h | |
gtest-param-test.h | |
gtest-param-util-generated.h | |
gtest-param-util.h | |
gtest-port.cc | |
gtest-port.h | |
gtest-printers.cc | |
gtest-printers.h | |
gtest-spi.h | |
gtest-string.h | |
gtest-test-part.cc | |
gtest-test-part.h | |
gtest-tuple.h | |
gtest-type-util.h | |
gtest-typed-test.cc | |
gtest-typed-test.h | |
gtest.cc | |
gtest.h | |
gtest_main.cc | |
gtest_pred_impl.h | |
gtest_prod.h | |
gth_pseudopotential.cc | |
gth_pseudopotential.h | |
gygi_soltion.cc | |
h2.cc | Solves the Hartree-Fock equations for the hydrogen molecule |
h2dft.cc | |
h2dynamic.cc | |
hardware.cc | |
hardware.h | |
hartreefock.cc | |
hartreefock.h | |
hatom_1d.cc | Solves the Schrodinger equation for the 1-d hydrogen atomThe Hartree-Fock wave function is computed for the hydrogen atom in one dimension without using symmetry |
apps/ii/hatom_energy.cc | Compute the energy of the hydrogen atom ground state |
examples/hatom_energy.cc | Compute the energy of the hydrogen atom ground state |
he.cc | Solves the Hartree-Fock equations for the helium atom |
heat.cc | Example Green function for the 3D heat equation |
heat2.cc | Example Green function for the 3D heat equation with a linear term |
hedft.cc | |
hehf.cc | |
helium_exact.cc | Solves the two-particle system exactly |
helium_mp2.cc | Solves the Hartree-Fock and MP2 equations for the helium atom |
apps/ii/hello.cc | Simplest example program for MADNESS |
apps/nick/hello.cc | |
examples/hello.cc | Simplest example program for MADNESS |
hyp.cc | |
hyp.h | |
DFcode/fci/ieor.c | |
moldft/fci/ieor.c | |
indexit.h | Provides IndexIterator |
integral_constant.h | |
interp.h | |
interp3.cc | |
interpolation_1d.h | Provides 1D cubic interpolation class |
jimkernel.cc | |
kain.cc | |
key.h | Multidimension Key for MRA tree and associated iterators |
lapack.cc | Partial interface from Tensor to LAPACK |
lapack_functions.h | |
lbdeux.h | Implements (2nd generation) static load/data balancing for functions |
chem/lda.cc | |
DFcode/lda.cc | |
jacob/lda.cc | |
tkato/lda.cc | |
lda.h | |
legendre.cc | Legendre quadrature, polynomials and scaling functions |
legendre.h | |
libxc.h | |
lineplot.cc | |
DFcode/fci/linux_cputime.c | |
moldft/fci/linux_cputime.c | |
localize_boys.cc | |
lookup3.c | |
mad_types.h | |
madness.h | |
madness_config.h | |
mainpage.h | MADNESS |
maxwell.cc | |
DFcode/mcpfit.cc | |
jacob/mcpfit.cc | |
moldft/mcpfit.cc | |
meminfo.cc | Memory stats per rank, usually platform specific calls. Invoke with rank and tag |
mentity.cc | Simple management of molecular information and potential |
mentity.h | |
miketest.cc | |
misc.h | Header to declare stuff which has not yet found a home |
moldft-elem.cc | |
DFcode/moldft.cc | |
jacob/moldft.cc | |
moldft/moldft.cc | |
tkato/moldft.cc | |
chem/molecularbasis.cc | |
DFcode/molecularbasis.cc | |
jacob/molecularbasis.cc | |
tkato/molecularbasis.cc | |
chem/molecularbasis.h | |
DFcode/molecularbasis.h | |
hf/molecularbasis.h | |
jacob/molecularbasis.h | |
tkato/molecularbasis.h | |
molecularmask.h | |
molecularsurface.cc | |
chem/molecule.cc | |
DFcode/molecule.cc | |
jacob/molecule.cc | |
tkato/molecule.cc | |
chem/molecule.h | |
DFcode/molecule.h | |
jacob/molecule.h | |
tkato/molecule.h | |
molsys.cc | |
molsys.h | Molecular system |
move.h | |
apps/chem/mp2.cc | |
examples/mp2.cc | |
mp2.h | Solves molecular MP2 equations |
mpiar.h | |
mpreal.cc | |
mpreal.h | |
mra-driver.cc | |
mra.cc | |
mra.h | Main include file for MADNESS and defines Function interface |
mra1.cc | |
mra2.cc | |
mra3.cc | |
mra4.cc | |
mra5.cc | |
mra6.cc | |
mraimpl.h | Declaration and initialization of static data, some implementation, some instantiation |
mraplot.cc | Function plotting utility |
mtxm_gen.h | |
mTxm_tune.cc | |
bgp_tuning/mtxmq.cc | |
mtxmq.cc | |
mtxmq.h | |
mtxmq_avx_rjh.cc | |
muParser.cpp | Implementation of the standard floating point parser |
muParser.h | Definition of the standard floating point parser |
muParserBase.cpp | This file contains the basic implementation of the muparser engine |
muParserBase.h | This file contains the class definition of the muparser engine |
muParserBytecode.cpp | Implementation of the parser bytecode class |
muParserBytecode.h | Definition of the parser bytecode class |
muParserCallback.cpp | Implementation of the parser callback class |
muParserCallback.h | Definition of the parser callback class |
muParserComplex.h | This file contains a definition of a parser using complex numbers |
muParserDef.h | This file contains standard definitions used by the parser |
muParserDLL.h | This file contains the DLL interface of muparser |
muParserError.cpp | |
muParserError.h | This file defines the error class used by the parser |
muParserFixes.h | This file contains compatibility fixes for some platforms |
muParserInt.h | Definition of a parser using integer value |
muParserStack.h | This file defines the stack used by muparser |
muParserTest.h | This file contains the parser test class |
muParserToken.h | This file contains the parser token definition |
muParserTokenReader.cpp | This file contains the parser token reader implementation |
muParserTokenReader.h | This file contains the parser token reader definition |
mxm.h | Internal use only |
mypmap.h | |
nanophoto.cc | Code for the nanophotonics example in the article M.G. Reuter et al., Comput. Phys. Commun. 183, pp. 1-7 (2012) |
navstokes_cosines.cc | Example Solving the Navier-Stokes equations |
apps/chem/nemo.cc | |
examples/nemo.cc | Solve the HF equations using numerical exponential MOs |
nemo.h | |
newsolver.cc | |
nodefaults.h | Implements NO_DEFAULTS |
nonlinschro.cc | Solves 1D nonlinear Schrödinger equation |
nonlinsol.h | Example implementation of Krylov-subspace nonlinear equation solver |
oep.cc | Optimized effective potentials for DFT |
oldtest.cc | Test code for Tensor, TensorIterator, SliceTensor, etc |
operator-maxwell.h | |
operator.h | Implements most functionality of separated operators |
outputwriter.h | |
parar.h | Implements ParallelInputArchive and ParallelOutputArchive |
phandler.h | Interface for the muParser library for turning user-defined functions into bytecode |
plotao.cc | |
ploterr.cc | |
DFcode/pointgroup.h | |
jacob/pointgroup.h | |
moldft/pointgroup.h | |
tkato/pointgroup.h | |
poperator.h | |
position_stream.cc | |
posixmem.h | Implement dummy posix_memalign if it is missing on the system |
potentialmanager.h | |
power.h | |
preal.cc | |
print.cc | |
print.h | Defines simple templates for printing to std::cout "a la Python" |
print_seq.h | Implements print_seq ... included by world.h |
projector.h | |
projPsi.cc | |
qmprop.cc | Implements BandlimitedPropagator and qm_free_particle_propagator |
qmprop.h | Prototypes for qm propagator |
ran.cc | |
ran.h | |
redirectio.cc | |
ref.h | |
response.cc | |
response.h | Coupled-Purturbed HF/KS |
safempi.cc | |
safempi.h | Serializes calls to MPI in case it does not support THREAD_MULTIPLE |
chem/SCF.cc | |
tkato/SCF.cc | |
chem/SCF.h | |
tkato/SCF.h | |
scfparam.h | Parameters of the SCF calculation |
scopedptr.h | |
scott.cc | |
sdf_domainmask.h | Defines abstract interfaces and concrete classes signed distance functions and domain masks |
sdf_shape_2D.h | Implements the SignedDFInterface for common 2-D geometric objects.This file provides signed distance functions for common 2-D geometric objects: |
sdf_shape_3D.h | Implements the SignedDFInterface for common 3-D geometric objects.This file provides signed distance functions for common 3-D geometric objects: |
sdf_shape_tester.cc | Demonstrates/tests use of 3D shape functions |
shared_ptr.h | |
shared_ptr_bits.h | |
simplecache.h | |
sininteg.cc | Compute the integral sin(x) x=0..10 |
slice.h | Declares and implements Slice |
solver.h | |
solver_driver.cc | |
solvers.cc | |
solvers.h | Defines interfaces for optimization and non-linear equation solvers |
spectralprop.h | Spectral propagator in time using semigroup approach |
srconf.h | Handles the low-level details of a separated representation tensor |
sse_cc.cc | |
sse_cr.cc | |
sse_rc.cc | |
sse_rr.cc | |
startup.cc | |
stdarray.h | |
stdarray_bits.h | |
stubmpi.h | |
svpe.cc | |
svpe.h | |
svpe_molecule_colloid.h | |
apps/ii/systolic.h | |
madness/tensor/systolic.h | |
taskfn.h | |
TAU.h | |
TDA.cc | |
TDA.h | |
TDA_exops.h | |
TDA_XC.cc | |
TDA_XC.h | |
tdhf.cc | Compute the time-dependent HF equations (currently CIS approximation) |
tdhf_CIS.cc | |
tdhf_CIS.h | |
apps/tdse/tdse.cc | Evolves the hydrogen atom in imaginary and also real time |
examples/tdse.cc | Evolves the hydrogen atom in imaginary and also real time |
tdse.confused.cc | Evolves the hydrogen atom in imaginary and also real time |
tdse1.cc | Evolves the 1D hydrogen atom in imaginary and also real time |
tdse1d.cc | Example propagation of TDSE (translating atom) using various propagators |
tdse4.cc | Evolves the hydrogen molecular ion in 4D ... 3 electron + 1 nuclear degree of freedom |
tensor.cc | Completes the implementation of Tensor and instantiates all specializations for fast compiles |
tensor.h | Defines and implements most of Tensor |
tensor_lapack.h | Prototypes for a partial interface from Tensor to LAPACK |
tensor_macros.h | Macros for easy and efficient iteration over tensors |
tensor_spec.h | |
tensorexcept.h | Declares and implements TensorException |
tensoriter.cc | Implements TensorIterator |
tensoriter.h | Declares TensorIterator |
tensoriter_spec.h | |
tensortrain.h | Defines and implements the tensor train decomposition as described in I.V. Oseledets, Siam J. Sci. Comput. 33, 2295 (2011) |
textfsar.cc | |
textfsar.h | Implements archive wrapping text file stream |
tiny.cc | |
tinystr.cc | |
tinystr.h | |
tinyxml.cc | |
tinyxml.h | |
tinyxmlerror.cc | |
tinyxmlparser.cc | |
transform3d.cc | |
twoscale.cc | Routines to provide twoscale & correlation coeffs for Legendre basis |
twoscale.h | |
type_data.h | Defines and implements TensorTypeData, a type traits class |
type_traits.h | |
type_traits_bits.h | |
typestuff.h | Grossly simplified Boost-like type traits and templates |
uniqueid.h | |
util.cc | |
util.h | |
vecar.h | Implements archive wrapping an STL vector |
vector_factory.h | Declares and implements factories for short vectors |
vmath.cc | |
vmath.h | |
vmra.h | Defines operations on vectors of FunctionsThis file defines a number of operations on vectors of functions. Assume v is a vector of NDIM-D functions of a certain type |
vmra1.h | |
vnucso.cc | Solves the spin-orbit nuclear potential problem |
vtk.cc | |
wannier.cc | |
wavef.cc | |
wavef.h | |
wfSlice.cc | |
world.cc | |
world.h | This header should include pretty much everything needed for the parallel runtime |
worldam.cc | |
worldam.h | Implements active message layer for World on top of RMI layer |
worlddc.h | Implements WorldContainer |
worlddep.h | Defines DependencyInterface and CallbackInterface |
worldexc.h | Implements MadnessException |
worldfut.h | Implements Future |
worldfwd.h | Implements World |
worldgop.cc | |
worldgop.h | Implements global operations |
worldhash.h | Defines hash functions for use in distributed containers |
worldhashmap.h | Defines and implements a concurrent hashmap |
worldmem.cc | |
worldmem.h | |
worldmpi.cc | |
worldmpi.h | Implements WorldMpiInterface |
worldmutex.cc | |
worldmutex.h | Implements Mutex, MutexFair, Spinlock, ConditionVariable |
worldobj.h | Defines and implements WorldObject |
worldpapi.cc | |
worldpapi.h | |
worldprofile.cc | |
worldprofile.h | |
worldptr.h | |
worldrange.h | Implement Range class for parallel iteration |
worldref.cc | |
worldref.h | Implements RemoteReference which is for internal use |
worldrmi.cc | |
worldrmi.h | |
worldser.h | Includes archive headers, and also the archive names into madness namespace |
worldtask.cc | |
worldtask.h | Defines TaskInterface and implements WorldTaskQueue and associated stuff |
worldthread.cc | |
worldthread.h | Implements Dqueue, Thread, ThreadBase and ThreadPool |
worldtime.h | Wrappers around platform dependent timers and performance info |
worldtypes.h | |
wst_functional.h | |
chem/xcfunctional.h | |
DFcode/xcfunctional.h | |
tkato/xcfunctional.h | |
chem/xcfunctional_ldaonly.cc | |
DFcode/xcfunctional_ldaonly.cc | |
tkato/xcfunctional_ldaonly.cc | |
chem/xcfunctional_libxc.cc | |
DFcode/xcfunctional_libxc.cc | |
tkato/xcfunctional_libxc.cc | |
xcfunctional_madxc.cc | |
y.cc | |
y1.cc | |
y_signed.cc | |
y_varx.cc | |