version 0.9
This is the complete list of members for SCF, including all inherited members.
analyze_vectors(World &world, const vecfuncT &mo, const tensorT &occ=tensorT(), const tensorT &energy=tensorT(), const std::vector< int > &set=std::vector< int >()) | SCF | |
ao | SCF | |
aobasis | SCF | |
apply_hf_exchange(World &world, const tensorT &occ, const vecfuncT &psi, const vecfuncT &f) | SCF | |
apply_potential(World &world, const tensorT &occ, const vecfuncT &amo, const vecfuncT &vf, const vecfuncT &delrho, const functionT &vlocal, double &exc, int ispin) | SCF | |
at_nbf | SCF | |
at_to_bf | SCF | |
compute_residual(World &world, tensorT &occ, tensorT &fock, const vecfuncT &psi, vecfuncT &Vpsi, double &err) | SCF | |
core_projection(World &world, const vecfuncT &psi, const bool include_Bc=true) | SCF | |
core_projector_derivative(World &world, const vecfuncT &mo, const tensorT &occ, int atom, int axis) | SCF | |
coulop | SCF | |
current_energy | SCF | |
derivatives(World &world) | SCF | |
diag_fock_matrix(World &world, tensorT &fock, vecfuncT &psi, vecfuncT &Vpsi, tensorT &evals, const tensorT &occ, double thresh) | SCF | |
DIP(const tensorT &dip, int i, int j, int k, int l) | SCF | inline |
dipole(World &world) | SCF | |
do_plots(World &world) | SCF | |
functionT typedef | SCF | |
gradop | SCF | |
initial_guess(World &world) | SCF | |
initial_load_bal(World &world) | SCF | |
kinetic_energy_matrix(World &world, const vecfuncT &v) | SCF | |
load_mos(World &world) | SCF | |
loadbal(World &world, functionT &arho, functionT &brho, functionT &arho_old, functionT &brho_old, subspaceT &subspace) | SCF | |
localize_boys(World &world, const vecfuncT &mo, const std::vector< int > &set, const double thresh=1e-9, const double thetamax=0.5, const bool randomize=true) | SCF | |
localize_PM(World &world, const vecfuncT &mo, const std::vector< int > &set, const double thresh=1e-9, const double thetamax=0.5, const bool randomize=true, const bool doprint=true) | SCF | |
localize_PM_task_kernel(tensorT &Q, std::vector< tensorT > &Svec, tensorT &C, const bool &doprint, const std::vector< int > &set, const double thetamax, tensorT &U, const double thresh) | SCF | |
make_bsh_operators(World &world, const tensorT &evals) | SCF | |
make_density(World &world, const tensorT &occ, const vecfuncT &v) | SCF | |
make_dft_energy(World &world, const vecfuncT &vf) | SCF | |
make_dft_potential(World &world, const vecfuncT &vf, int what) | SCF | |
make_fock_matrix(World &world, const vecfuncT &psi, const vecfuncT &Vpsi, const tensorT &occ, double &ekinetic) | SCF | |
make_lda_potential(World &world, const functionT &arho) | SCF | |
make_nuclear_potential(World &world) | SCF | |
mask | SCF | |
matrix_exponential(const tensorT &A) | SCF | |
molecule | SCF | |
molsys | SCF | |
operatorT typedef | SCF | |
pairvecfuncT typedef | SCF | |
param | SCF | |
PM_q(const tensorT &S, const tensorT &C, int i, int j, int lo, int nbf) | SCF | |
poperatorT typedef | SCF | |
project(World &world) | SCF | |
project_ao_basis(World &world) | SCF | |
rotate_subspace(World &world, const tensorT &U, subspaceT &subspace, int lo, int nfunc, double trantol) | SCF | |
save_mos(World &world) | SCF | |
SCF(World &world, const char *filename) | SCF | |
set_protocol(World &world, double thresh) | SCF | |
solve(World &world) | SCF | |
subspaceT typedef | SCF | |
tensorT typedef | SCF | |
twoint(World &world, const vecfuncT &psi) | SCF | |
update_subspace(World &world, vecfuncT &Vpsia, vecfuncT &Vpsib, tensorT &focka, tensorT &fockb, subspaceT &subspace, tensorT &Q, double &bsh_residual, double &update_residual) | SCF | |
vecfuncT typedef | SCF | |
vector_stats(const std::vector< double > &v, double &rms, double &maxabsval) | SCF | |
vnuc | SCF | |
vtol | SCF | |
xc | SCF |