MADNESS  version 0.9
Namespaces | Enumerations | Functions
cblas.h File Reference

Define BLAS like functions. More...

#include <madness/fortran_ctypes.h>
#include <madness/madness_config.h>
#include <madness/world/worldexc.h>
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 Holds machinery to set up Functions/FuncImpls using various Factories and Interfaces.


enum  madness::cblas::CBLAS_TRANSPOSE { madness::cblas::NoTrans =0, madness::cblas::Trans =1, madness::cblas::ConjTrans =2 }
 Matrix operations for BLAS function calls. More...


void F77_SGEMM (const char *, const char *, const integer *, const integer *, const integer *, const float *, const float *, const integer *, const float *, const integer *, const float *, float *, const integer *)
void F77_DGEMM (const char *, const char *, const integer *, const integer *, const integer *, const double *, const double *, const integer *, const double *, const integer *, const double *, double *, const integer *)
void F77_CGEMM (const char *, const char *, const integer *, const integer *, const integer *, const complex_real4 *, const complex_real4 *, const integer *, const complex_real4 *, const integer *, const complex_real4 *, complex_real4 *, const integer *)
void F77_ZGEMM (const char *, const char *, const integer *, const integer *, const integer *, const complex_real8 *, const complex_real8 *, const integer *, const complex_real8 *, const integer *, const complex_real8 *, complex_real8 *, const integer *)
void F77_SGEMV (const char *, const integer *, const integer *, const float *, const float *, const integer *, const float *, const integer *, const float *, float *, const integer *)
void F77_DGEMV (const char *, const integer *, const integer *, const double *, const double *, const integer *, const double *, const integer *, const double *, double *, const integer *)
void F77_CGEMV (const char *, const integer *, const integer *, const complex_real4 *, const complex_real4 *, const integer *, const complex_real4 *, const integer *, const complex_real4 *, complex_real4 *, const integer *)
void F77_ZGEMV (const char *, const integer *, const integer *, const complex_real8 *, const complex_real8 *, const integer *, const complex_real8 *, const integer *, const complex_real8 *, complex_real8 *, const integer *)
void F77_SGER (const integer *, const integer *, const float *, const float *, const integer *, const float *, const integer *, float *, const integer *)
void F77_DGER (const integer *, const integer *, const double *, const double *, const integer *, const double *, const integer *, double *, const integer *)
void F77_CGER (const integer *, const integer *, const complex_real4 *, const complex_real4 *, const integer *, const complex_real4 *, const integer *, complex_real4 *, const integer *)
void F77_ZGER (const integer *, const integer *, const complex_real8 *, const complex_real8 *, const integer *, const complex_real8 *, const integer *, complex_real8 *, const integer *)
void F77_SSCAL (const integer *, const float *, float *, const integer *)
void F77_DSCAL (const integer *, const double *, double *, const integer *)
void F77_CSCAL (const integer *, const complex_real4 *, complex_real4 *, const integer *)
void F77_CSSCAL (const integer *, const float *, complex_real4 *, const integer *)
void F77_ZSCAL (const integer *, const complex_real8 *, complex_real8 *, const integer *)
void F77_ZDSCAL (const integer *, const double *, complex_real8 *, const integer *)
float F77_SDOT (const integer *, const float *, const integer *, const float *, const integer *)
double F77_DDOT (const integer *, const double *, const integer *, const double *, const integer *)
void F77_CDOTU (const integer *, const complex_real4 *, const integer *, const complex_real4 *, const integer *, complex_real4 *)
void F77_ZDOTU (const integer *, const complex_real8 *, const integer *, const complex_real8 *, const integer *, complex_real8 *)
void madness::cblas::gemm (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpB, const integer m, const integer n, const integer k, const float alpha, const float *a, const integer lda, const float *b, const integer ldb, const float beta, float *c, const integer ldc)
 Multiplies a matrix by a vector. More...
void madness::cblas::gemm (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpB, const integer m, const integer n, const integer k, const double alpha, const double *a, const integer lda, const double *b, const integer ldb, const double beta, double *c, const integer ldc)
void madness::cblas::gemm (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpB, const integer m, const integer n, const integer k, const complex_real4 alpha, const complex_real4 *a, const integer lda, const complex_real4 *b, const integer ldb, const complex_real4 beta, complex_real4 *c, const integer ldc)
void madness::cblas::gemm (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpB, const integer m, const integer n, const integer k, const complex_real8 alpha, const complex_real8 *a, const integer lda, const complex_real8 *b, const integer ldb, const complex_real8 beta, complex_real8 *c, const integer ldc)
void madness::cblas::gemv (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const integer m, const integer n, const float alpha, const float *A, const integer lda, const float *x, const integer incx, const float beta, float *y, const integer incy)
 Multiplies a matrix by a vector. More...
void madness::cblas::gemv (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const integer m, const integer n, const double alpha, const double *A, const integer lda, const double *x, const integer incx, const double beta, double *y, const integer incy)
void madness::cblas::gemv (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const integer m, const integer n, const complex_real4 alpha, const complex_real4 *A, const integer lda, const complex_real4 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real4 beta, complex_real4 *y, const integer incy)
void madness::cblas::gemv (const CBLAS_TRANSPOSE OpA, const integer m, const integer n, const complex_real8 alpha, const complex_real8 *A, const integer lda, const complex_real8 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real8 beta, complex_real8 *y, const integer incy)
void madness::cblas::ger (const integer m, const integer n, const float alpha, const float *x, const integer incx, const float *y, const integer incy, float *A, const integer lda)
 Multiplies vector $ \mathbf{x} $ by the transform of vector $ \mathbf{y} $. More...
void madness::cblas::ger (const integer m, const integer n, const double alpha, const double *x, const integer incx, const double *y, const integer incy, double *A, const integer lda)
void madness::cblas::ger (const integer m, const integer n, const complex_real4 alpha, const complex_real4 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real4 *y, const integer incy, complex_real4 *A, const integer lda)
void madness::cblas::ger (const integer m, const integer n, const complex_real8 alpha, const complex_real8 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real8 *y, const integer incy, complex_real8 *A, const integer lda)
float madness::cblas::dot (const integer n, const float *x, const integer incx, const float *y, const integer incy)
 Compute the dot product of vectors $ \mathbf{x} $ and $ \mathbf{y} $. More...
double madness::cblas::dot (const integer n, const double *x, const integer incx, const double *y, const integer incy)
complex_real4 madness::cblas::dot (const integer n, const complex_real4 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real4 *y, const integer incy)
complex_real8 madness::cblas::dot (const integer n, const complex_real8 *x, const integer incx, const complex_real8 *y, const integer incy)
void madness::cblas::scal (const integer n, const float alpha, float *x, const integer incx)
 Scale a vector. More...
void madness::cblas::scal (const integer n, const double alpha, double *x, const integer incx)
void madness::cblas::scal (const integer n, const complex_real4 alpha, complex_real4 *x, const integer incx)
void madness::cblas::scal (const integer n, const complex_real8 alpha, complex_real8 *x, const integer incx)
void madness::cblas::scal (const integer n, const float alpha, complex_real4 *x, const integer incx)
void madness::cblas::scal (const integer n, const double alpha, complex_real8 *x, const integer incx)

Detailed Description

Define BLAS like functions.

Function Documentation

void F77_CDOTU ( const integer ,
const complex_real4 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real4 ,
const integer ,

Referenced by madness::cblas::dot().

void F77_CGEMM ( const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const complex_real4 ,
const complex_real4 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real4 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real4 ,
complex_real4 ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::gemm().

void F77_CGEMV ( const char *  ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const complex_real4 ,
const complex_real4 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real4 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real4 ,
complex_real4 ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::gemv().

void F77_CGER ( const integer ,
const integer ,
const complex_real4 ,
const complex_real4 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real4 ,
const integer ,
complex_real4 ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::ger().

void F77_CSCAL ( const integer ,
const complex_real4 ,
complex_real4 ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::scal().

void F77_CSSCAL ( const integer ,
const float *  ,
complex_real4 ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::scal().

double F77_DDOT ( const integer ,
const double *  ,
const integer ,
const double *  ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::dot().

void F77_DGEMM ( const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const double *  ,
const double *  ,
const integer ,
const double *  ,
const integer ,
const double *  ,
double *  ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::gemm().

void F77_DGEMV ( const char *  ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const double *  ,
const double *  ,
const integer ,
const double *  ,
const integer ,
const double *  ,
double *  ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::gemv().

void F77_DGER ( const integer ,
const integer ,
const double *  ,
const double *  ,
const integer ,
const double *  ,
const integer ,
double *  ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::ger().

void F77_DSCAL ( const integer ,
const double *  ,
double *  ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::scal().

float F77_SDOT ( const integer ,
const float *  ,
const integer ,
const float *  ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::dot().

void F77_SGEMM ( const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const float *  ,
const float *  ,
const integer ,
const float *  ,
const integer ,
const float *  ,
float *  ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::gemm().

void F77_SGEMV ( const char *  ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const float *  ,
const float *  ,
const integer ,
const float *  ,
const integer ,
const float *  ,
float *  ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::gemv().

void F77_SGER ( const integer ,
const integer ,
const float *  ,
const float *  ,
const integer ,
const float *  ,
const integer ,
float *  ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::ger().

void F77_SSCAL ( const integer ,
const float *  ,
float *  ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::scal().

void F77_ZDOTU ( const integer ,
const complex_real8 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real8 ,
const integer ,

Referenced by madness::cblas::dot().

void F77_ZDSCAL ( const integer ,
const double *  ,
complex_real8 ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::scal().

void F77_ZGEMM ( const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const complex_real8 ,
const complex_real8 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real8 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real8 ,
complex_real8 ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::gemm().

void F77_ZGEMV ( const char *  ,
const integer ,
const integer ,
const complex_real8 ,
const complex_real8 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real8 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real8 ,
complex_real8 ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::gemv().

void F77_ZGER ( const integer ,
const integer ,
const complex_real8 ,
const complex_real8 ,
const integer ,
const complex_real8 ,
const integer ,
complex_real8 ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::ger().

void F77_ZSCAL ( const integer ,
const complex_real8 ,
complex_real8 ,
const integer  

Referenced by madness::cblas::scal().