version 0.9
![]() |
Namespaces | |
madness | |
Holds machinery to set up Functions/FuncImpls using various Factories and Interfaces. | |
madness::archive | |
Classes | |
class | madness::World |
A parallel world with full functionality wrapping an MPI communicator. More... | |
struct | madness::archive::ArchiveLoadImpl< Archive, World * > |
struct | madness::archive::ArchiveStoreImpl< Archive, World * > |
The MADNESS parallel programming environment combines several successful elements from other models and aims to provide a rich and scalable framework for massively parallel computing while seamlessly integrating with legacy applications and libraries. It includes
There were several motivations for developing this environment.
The two main early influences for this work were Cilk (Kuszmaul, and Charm++ (Kale, Subsequently, ACE (Schmidt,, STAPL (Rauchwerger and Amato,, and the HPCS language projects (X10, ; Chapel, ; Fortress, ) and the amazingly talented teams and individuals developing these.
The entire parallel environment is encapsulated in an instance of the class World
which is instantiated by wrapping an MPI communicator. Multiple worlds may exist, overlap, or be dynamically created and destroyed. Distributed containers (currently associative arrays or hash tables) and distributed objects may be constructed from a world instance.
The recommended approaches to develop scalable and latency tolerant parallel algorithms are either object- or task-centric decompositions rather than the process-centric approach usually forced upon MPI applications. The object-centric approach uses distributed containers (or distributed objects) to store application data. Computation is expressed by sending tasks or messages to objects, using the task queue to automatically manage dependencies expressed via futures. Placement of data and scheduling/placement of computation can be delgated to the container and task queue, unless there are spefic performance concerns in which case the application can have full knowledge and control of these.
Items in a container may be accessed largely as if in a standard STL container, but instead of returning an iterator, accessors instead return a Future<iterator>. A future is a container for the result of a possibly unevaluated expression. In the case of an accessor, if the requested item is local then the result is immediately available. However, if the item is remote, it may take some time before the data is made available locally. You could immediately try to use the future, which would work but with the downside of internally waiting for all of the communication to occur. Much better is to keep on working and only use the future when it is ready.
By far the best way to compute with futures is to pass them as arguments to a new task. Once the futures are ready, the task will be automatically scheduled for execution. Tasks that produce a result also return it as a future, so this same mechanism may be used to express dependencies between tasks.
Thus, a very natural expression of a parallel algorithm is as a sequence of dependent tasks. For example, in MADNESS many of the algorithms working on distributed, multidimension trees start with just a single task working on the root of the tree, with all other processes waiting for something to do. That one task starts recursively (depth or breadth first) traversing the tree and generating new tasks for each node. These in turn generate more tasks on their sub-trees.
member provides inter-process active message functionality, which is the foundation on which everything else is built. We do not recommend that applications make routine or direct use of inter-process active messages. Instead, try to compose applications using messaging to/between items in distributed containers and the local task queue(s).
The World.mpi
member is the preferred way to use MPI since it has a growing amount of instrumentation and debugging capability, though MPI routines may be called directly if necessary. However, MPI is again a low-level model and we do not encourage its direct use. It is there since it is the portable standard for communication and to facilitate integration with legacy applications.
member provides global operations that are internally non-blocking, enabling the invoking thread to continue working.
The execution model is sequentially consistent. That is, from the perspective of a single thread of execution, operations on the same local/remote object behave as if executed sequentially in the same order as programmed. This means that performing a read after a write/modify returns the modified value, as expected. Such behavior applies only to the view of a single thread — the execution of multiple threads and active messages from different threads may be interleaved arbitrarily.
Creating, executing, and reaping a local, null task with no arguments or results presently takes about 350ns (Centos 4, 3GHz Core2, Pathscale 3.0 compiler, -Ofast). The time is dominated by new
and and delete
of the task structure, and as such is unlikely to get any faster except by the application caching and reusing the task structures. Creating and then executing a chain of dependent tasks with the result of one task fed as the argument of the next task (i.e., the input argument is an unevaluated future which is assigned by the next task) requires about 2000ns per task, which we believe can be redcued to about 1us (3 GHz Core2).
Creating a remote task adds the overhead of interprocess communication which is on the scale of 1-3us (Cray XT). Note that this is not the actual wall-time latency since everything is presently performed using asynchronous messaging and polling via MPI. The wall-time latency, which is largely irrelevant to the application if it has expressed enough parallelism, is mostly determined by the polling interval which is dynamically adjusted depending upon the amount of local work available to reduce the overhead from polling. We can improve the runtime software through better agregation of messages and use of deeper message queues to reduce the overhead of remote task creation to essentially that of a local task.
Thus, circa 1us defines the ganularity above which it is worth considering encapsulating work (c.f., Hockney's n1/2). However, this is just considering the balance between overhead incurred v.s. useful work performed. The automatic scheduling of tasks dependent upon future arguments confers many benefits, including
Available memory limits the number of tasks that can be generated before any are consumed. In addition to application specific data, each task consumes circa 64 bytes on a 64-bit computer. Thus, a few hundred thousand outstanding tasks per processor are eminently feasible even on the IBM BG/L. Rather than making the application entirely responsible for throttling it's own task production (which it can), if the system exceeds more than a user-settable number of outstanding tasks, it starts to run ready tasks before accepting new tasks. The success of this strategy presupposes that there are ready tasks and that these tasks on average produce less than one new task with unsatisfied dependencies per task run. Ultimately, similar to the Cilk execution model, safe algorithms (in the same sense as safe MPI programs) must express tasks so that dependencies can be satisfied without unreasonable expectation of buffering.
In a multiscale approach to parallelism, coarse gain tasks are first enqueued, and these generate finer-grain tasks, which in turn generate finer and finer grain work. [Expand this discussion and include examples along with work stealing discussion]
The only currently provided containers are associative arrays or maps that are almost directly equivalent to the STL map or the GNU hash_map. Indeed, the implementation can use either of these for the local storage, though the GNU hash_map is to be preferred for performance reasons and is the only one discussed here.
A map generalizes the concept of an array (which maps an integer index in a dense range to a value) by mapping an arbitrary key to a value. This is a very natural, general and efficient mechanism for storing sparse data structures. The distribution of items in the container between processes is based upon a function which maps the key to a process. There is a default mapping which is essentially a pseudo-random uniform mapping, but the user can provide their own (possibly data-dependent) operator to control the distribution.
The keys and values associated with containers must be serializble by the MADNESS archive mechanism. Please refer to world/archive/archive.h and documentation therein for information about this. In addition, the keys must support
or by specializing std::equal_to<key_type>
, andHere is an example of a key that might be used in an octtree.
Distributed objects (WorldObject) provide all of the communication and other resources necessary to build new distributed capabilities. The distributed container class (WorldContainer) actually inherits most of its functionality from the WorldObject.
Several of the templated classes (currently just the DistributedContainer, Future and RemoteReference classes) have static data or helper functions associated with them. These must be defined in one and only one file. To facilitate this definition, the necessary templates have been wrapped in C-preprocessor conditional block so that they are only enabled if WORLD_INSTANTIATE_STATIC_TEMPLATES
is defined. In one of your source (not header) files, define this macro before including world.h
, and then instantiate the templates that you are using.