version 0.9
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The programmer should not need to include world/archive.h directly. Instead, include the header file for the actual archive (binary file, text/xml file, vector in memory, ...) that you want to use.
The interface and implementation are deliberately modelled, albeit loosely, upon the Boost serialization class (thanks boost!). The major differences are that this archive class does not break cycles and does not automatically store unique copies of data referenced by multiple objects. Also, classes are responsbible for managing their own version information. At the lowest level, the interface to an archive also differs to facilitate vectorization and high-bandwidth data transfer. The implementation employs templates that are almost entirely inlined. This should enable low-overhead use of archives in applications such as interprocess communication.
An archive is a uni-directional stream of typed data to/from disk, memory, or another process. Whether the stream is for input or for output, you can use the &
operator to transfer data to/from the stream. If you really want, you can also use the <<
and >>
for output or input, respectively, but there is no reason to do so. The &
operator chains just like <<
for cout
or >>
for cin
. You may discover in archive.h
other interfaces but you should not use them — use the & operator! The lower level interfaces will probably not, or only inconsistently incorpoate type information and may even appear to work when they are not.
Unless type checking has not been implemented by an archive for reasons of efficiency (e.g., message passing) a C-string exception will be thrown on a type-mismatch when deserializing. End-of-file, out-of-memory and other others also generate string exceptions.
Fundamental types (see below), STL complex, vector, strings, pairs and maps, and tensors (int, long, float, double, float_complex, double_complex) all just work without you doing anything, as do fixed dimension arrays of the same (STL allocators are not presently accomodated). E.g.,
Deserializing is identical, except that you need to use an input archive, c.f.,
Variable dimension and dynamically allocated arrays do not have their dimension encoded in their type. The best way to (de)serialize them is to wrap them in an archive_array
as follows.
The wrap()
function template is a factory function to simplify instantiation of a correctly typed archive_array
template. Note that when deserializing you must have first allocated the array — the above code can be used for both serializing and deserializing. If you want the memory to be automatically allocated consider using either an STL vector or a madness tensor.
To transfer the actual value of a pointer to a stream (is this really what you want?) then store an archive_ptr wrapping it. The factor function wrap_ptr() assists in doing this, e.g., here for a function pointer
User-defined types require a little more effort. Three cases are distinguished.
We will examine each in turn, but we first need to discuss a little about the implementation.
When transfering an object obj
to/from an archive ar
with ar&obj
, you are invoking the templated function
that then invokes other templated functions to redirect to input or output streams as appropriate, manage type checking, etc.. We would now like to overload the behaviour of these functions in order accomodate your fancy object. However, function templates cannot be partially specialized. Following the technique recommended here (look for moral#2), each of the templated functions directly calls a member of a templated class. Classes, unlike functions, can be partially specialized so it is easy to control and predict what is happening. Thus, in order to change the behaviour of all archives for an object you just have to provide a partial specialization of the appropriate class(es). Do not overload any of the function templates.
Symmetric intrusive method
Many classes can use the same code for serializing and deserializing. If such a class can be modified, the cleanest way of enabling serialization is to add a templated method as follows.
Symmetric non-intrusive method
If a class with symmetric serialization cannot be modified, then you can define an external class template with the following signature in the madness::archive
namespace (where Obj
is the name of your type).
For example,
Non-symmetric non-intrusive
For classes that do not have symmetric (de)serialization you must define separate partial templates for the functions load
and store
with these signatures and again in the madness::archive
First a simple, but artificial example.
Now a more complicated example that genuinely requires asymmetric load and store. First, a class definition for a simple linked list.
And this is how you (de)serialize it.
Given the above implementation of a linked list, you can (de)serialize an entire list using a single statement.
There are various options for objects that do not have a default constructor. The most appealing and totally non-intrusive approach is to define load/store functions for a pointer to the object. Then in the load method you can deserialize all of the information necessary to invoke the constructor and return a pointer to a new object.
Things that you know are contiguously stored in memory and are painful to serialize with full type safety can be serialized by wrapping opaquely as byte streams using the wrap_opaque()
interface. However, this should be regarded as a last resort.
To enable type checking for user-defined types you must register them with the system. There are 64 empty slots for user types beginning at cookie=128. Type checked archives (currently all except the MPI archive) store a cookie (byte with value 0-255) with each datum. Unknown (user-defined) types all end up with the same cookie indicating unkown — i.e., no type checking unless you register.
Two steps are required to register your own types (e.g., here for the types Foo
and Bar
Presently provided are
) a file in text (XML)std::fstream
) a file in binarystd::vector<unsigned_char>
The buffer and vector
archives are bitwise identical to the binary file archive.
Minimally, an archive must derive from either BaseInputArchive or BaseOutputArchive and define for arrays of fundamental types either a load
or store
method, as appropriate. Additional methods can be provided to manipulate the target stream. Here is a simple, but functional, implementation of a binary file archive.