MADNESS  version 0.9
Files | Classes | Functions
Iterative solvers for linear/non-linear equations and optimizers
Collaboration diagram for Iterative solvers for linear/non-linear equations and optimizers:


file  gmres.h
 Defines a general operator interface and a templated GMRES solver for solving linear equations.
file  solvers.h
 Defines interfaces for optimization and non-linear equation solvers.


struct  madness::SolverTargetInterface
 The interface to be provided by targets for non-linear equation solver. More...
struct  madness::OptimizationTargetInterface
 The interface to be provided by functions to be optimized. More...
struct  madness::SolverInterface
 The interface to be provided by solvers ... NOT USED ANYWHERE? More...
struct  madness::OptimizerInterface
 The interface to be provided by optimizers. More...
class  madness::SteepestDescent
 Unconstrained minimization via steepest descent. More...
class  madness::QuasiNewton
 Optimization via quasi-Newton (BFGS or SR1 update) More...


template<typename T >
Tensor< T > madness::KAIN (const Tensor< T > &Q, double rcond=1e-12)
 Solves non-linear equation using KAIN (returns coefficients to compute next vector) More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
Tensor<T> madness::KAIN ( const Tensor< T > &  Q,
double  rcond = 1e-12 

Solves non-linear equation using KAIN (returns coefficients to compute next vector)

The Krylov-accelerated inexact-Newton method employs directional derivatives to estimate the Jacobian in the subspace and separately computes updates in the subspace and its complement.

We wish to solve the non-linear equations $ f(x)=0 $ where $ f $ and $ x $ are vectors of the same dimension (e.g., consider both being MADNESS functions).

Define the following matrices and vector (with $ i $ and $ j $ denoting previous iterations in the Krylov subspace and $ m $ the current iteration):

\begin{eqnarray*} Q_{i j} & = & \langle x_i \mid f_j \rangle \\ A_{i j} & = & \langle x_i - x_m \mid f_j - f_m \rangle = Q_{i j} - Q_{m j} - Q_{i m} + Q{m m} \\ b_i & =& -\langle x_i - x_m \mid f_m \rangle = -Q_{i m} + Q_{m m} \end{eqnarray*}

The subspace equation is of dimension $ m $ (assuming iterations are indexed from zero) and is given by

\[ A c = b \]

The interior and exterior updates may be combined into one simple expression as follows. First, define an additional element of the solution vector

\[ c_m = 1 - \sum_{i<m} c_i \]

and then the new vector (guess for next iteration) is given by

\[ x_{m+1} = \sum_{i \le m}{c_i ( x_i - f_i)} \]

To employ the solver, each iteration

  1. Compute the additional row and column of the matrix $ Q $ that is the inner product between solution vectors ( $ x_i $) and residuals ( $ f_j $).
  2. Call this routine to compute the coefficients $ c $ and from these compute the next solution vector
  3. Employ step restriction or line search as necessary to ensure stable/robust solution.
[in]QThe matrix of inner products between subspace vectors and residuals.
[in]rcondThreshold for discarding small singular values in the subspace equations.
Vector for computing next solution vector

References b(), c, madness::gelss(), L, m, and std::tr1::T().

Referenced by madness::check_linear_dependence(), madness::NonlinearSolverND< NDIM >::update(), madness::XNonlinearSolver< T, C, Alloc >::update(), madness::SubspaceK< T, NDIM >::update_subspace(), madness::Subspace< T, NDIM >::update_subspace(), and madness::SCF::update_subspace().