43 #include <moldft/xcfunctional.h>
44 #include <moldft/molecule.h>
45 #include <moldft/molecularbasis.h>
50 tensorT Q3(
const madness::Tensor<double>& s);
71 std::vector< std::shared_ptr<real_derivative_3d> >
75 SCF(World & world,
const char *filename);
91 double PM_q(
const tensorT & S,
const tensorT &
int i,
int j,
int lo,
int nbf);
94 const bool & doprint,
const std::vector<int> & set,
95 const double thetamax, tensorT & U,
const double thresh);
97 tensorT
localize_PM(World & world,
const vecfuncT & mo,
const std::vector<int> & set,
const double thresh = 1e-9,
const double thetamax = 0.5,
const bool randomize =
const bool doprint =
99 void analyze_vectors(World & world,
const vecfuncT & mo,
const tensorT & occ =
const tensorT &
energy =
const std::vector<int> & set = std::vector<int>());
101 inline double DIP(
const tensorT & dip,
int i,
int j,
int k,
int l);
103 tensorT
localize_boys(World & world,
const vecfuncT & mo,
const std::vector<int> & set,
const double thresh = 1e-9,
const double thetamax = 0.5,
const bool randomize =
107 vecfuncT
core_projection(World & world,
const vecfuncT &
const bool include_Bc =
115 functionT
make_density(World & world,
const tensorT & occ,
const vecfuncT & v);
119 vecfuncT
apply_hf_exchange(World & world,
const tensorT & occ,
const vecfuncT &
const vecfuncT &
129 vecfuncT
apply_potential(World & world,
const tensorT & occ,
const vecfuncT & amo,
130 const vecfuncT& vf,
const vecfuncT& delrho,
const functionT & vlocal,
double & exc,
int ispin);
134 tensorT
dipole(World & world);
136 void vector_stats(
const std::vector<double> & v,
double & rms,
double & maxabsval);
138 vecfuncT
compute_residual(World & world, tensorT & occ, tensorT & fock,
const vecfuncT &
psi, vecfuncT & Vpsi,
double & err);
140 tensorT
make_fock_matrix(World & world,
const vecfuncT &
const vecfuncT & Vpsi,
const tensorT & occ,
double & ekinetic);
146 Tensor<double>
twoint(World& world,
const vecfuncT&
150 tensorT
diag_fock_matrix(World & world, tensorT& fock, vecfuncT &
psi, vecfuncT & Vpsi, tensorT & evals,
const tensorT & occ,
double thresh);
152 void loadbal(World & world, functionT & arho, functionT & brho, functionT & arho_old, functionT & brho_old, subspaceT & subspace);
154 void rotate_subspace(World& world,
const tensorT& U, subspaceT& subspace,
int lo,
int nfunc,
double trantol);
157 vecfuncT & Vpsia, vecfuncT & Vpsib,
158 tensorT & focka, tensorT & fockb,
159 subspaceT & subspace, tensorT & Q,
160 double & bsh_residual,
double & update_residual);
163 void solve(World & world);
SCFParameters param
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:63
std::vector< int > at_to_bf
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:69
tensorT dipole(World &world)
vecfuncT apply_hf_exchange(World &world, const tensorT &occ, const vecfuncT &psi, const vecfuncT &f)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:1126
std::shared_ptr< operatorT > poperatorT
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:59
Tensor< double > tensorT
Definition: DFcode/distpm.cc:13
Main include file for MADNESS and defines Function interface.
void localize_PM_task_kernel(tensorT &Q, std::vector< tensorT > &Svec, tensorT &C, const bool &doprint, const std::vector< int > &set, const double thetamax, tensorT &U, const double thresh)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:568
void set_protocol(World &world, double thresh)
double make_dft_energy(World &world, const vecfuncT &vf)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:1213
MolecularSystem molsys
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:61
std::vector< poperatorT > make_bsh_operators(World &world, const tensorT &evals)
madness::Function< double, 3 > functionT
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:53
std::vector< pairvecfuncT > subspaceT
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:56
madness::SeparatedConvolution< double, 3 > operatorT
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:58
madness::Tensor< double > tensorT
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:57
void make_nuclear_potential(World &world)
void initial_guess(World &world)
Simplified interface to XC functionals.
Definition: DFcode/xcfunctional.h:52
NDIM & f
Definition: mra.h:2179
Definition: DFcode/molecule.h:82
std::pair< vecfuncT, vecfuncT > pairvecfuncT
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:55
double vtol
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:72
vecfuncT compute_residual(World &world, tensorT &occ, tensorT &fock, const vecfuncT &psi, vecfuncT &Vpsi, double &err)
void loadbal(World &world, functionT &arho, functionT &brho, functionT &arho_old, functionT &brho_old, subspaceT &subspace)
AtomicBasisSet aobasis
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:65
SCF(World &world, const char *filename)
double PM_q(const tensorT &S, const tensorT &C, int i, int j, int lo, int nbf)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:549
JLOOP2 NK jnz KLOOP2 mov C
Definition: mtxm_gen.h:10
void update_subspace(World &world, vecfuncT &Vpsia, vecfuncT &Vpsib, tensorT &focka, tensorT &fockb, subspaceT &subspace, tensorT &Q, double &bsh_residual, double &update_residual)
Tensor< double > twoint(World &world, const vecfuncT &psi)
Compute the two-electron integrals over the provided set of orbitals.
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:1462
tensorT Q3(const madness::Tensor< double > &s)
Given overlap matrix, return rotation with 3rd order error to orthonormalize the vectors.
Definition: chem/SCF.cc:161
tensorT localize_boys(World &world, const vecfuncT &mo, const std::vector< int > &set, const double thresh=1e-9, const double thetamax=0.5, const bool randomize=true)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:734
double psi(const Vector< double, 3 > &r)
Definition: apps/ii/hatom_energy.cc:42
tensorT kinetic_energy_matrix(World &world, const vecfuncT &v)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:860
poperatorT coulop
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:70
functionT make_dft_potential(World &world, const vecfuncT &vf, int what)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:1208
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< real_derivative_3d > > gradop
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:71
Definition: scfparam.h:49
void save_mos(World &world)
functionT make_density(World &world, const tensorT &occ, const vecfuncT &v)
tensorT matrix_exponential(const tensorT &A)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:1483
XCfunctional xc
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:64
double core_projector_derivative(World &world, const vecfuncT &mo, const tensorT &occ, int atom, int axis)
Molecule molecule
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:62
void vector_stats(const std::vector< double > &v, double &rms, double &maxabsval)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:1377
double current_energy
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:73
vecfuncT apply_potential(World &world, const tensorT &occ, const vecfuncT &amo, const vecfuncT &vf, const vecfuncT &delrho, const functionT &vlocal, double &exc, int ispin)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:1219
functionT make_lda_potential(World &world, const functionT &arho)
void project_ao_basis(World &world)
Parameters of the SCF calculation.
void initial_load_bal(World &world)
std::vector< int > at_nbf
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:69
void project(World &world)
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:52
void do_plots(World &world)
tensorT make_fock_matrix(World &world, const vecfuncT &psi, const vecfuncT &Vpsi, const tensorT &occ, double &ekinetic)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:1439
tensorT localize_PM(World &world, const vecfuncT &mo, const std::vector< int > &set, const double thresh=1e-9, const double thetamax=0.5, const bool randomize=true, const bool doprint=true)
represents molecular system
void rotate_subspace(World &world, const tensorT &U, subspaceT &subspace, int lo, int nfunc, double trantol)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:1643
void load_mos(World &world)
vecfuncT ao
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:68
functionT mask
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:67
tensorT diag_fock_matrix(World &world, tensorT &fock, vecfuncT &psi, vecfuncT &Vpsi, tensorT &evals, const tensorT &occ, double thresh)
Definition: tkato/SCF.cc:1519
void analyze_vectors(World &world, const vecfuncT &mo, const tensorT &occ=tensorT(), const tensorT &energy=tensorT(), const std::vector< int > &set=std::vector< int >())
vecfuncT core_projection(World &world, const vecfuncT &psi, const bool include_Bc=true)
std::vector< functionT > vecfuncT
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:54
functionT vnuc
Definition: tkato/SCF.h:66
Contracted Gaussian basis.
Definition: DFcode/molecularbasis.h:390
double DIP(const tensorT &dip, int i, int j, int k, int l)
tensorT derivatives(World &world)